MetaPoetica's Art Gallery

featuring David Garancosky's "Unhoused" Collection 

                                        ON SALE NOW (Scroll DOWNWARD!!!)

How Poet Met the Painter

     I got word that an unhoused person, an Army veteran, a talented, nice man, slept on a park bench on the sprawling, leafy grounds of the Military Museum just outside State College, Pennsylvania, so I went there.

     Surely, I found him.  White guy, swarthy complected, hazel eyed, about 6'2, very thin, long tree bark-colored brown hair (...shoulder-length...) fitted beneath a baseball cap.  He sat up when I approached him.  David told me his full name; not normal.  He reached over his rock climber's backpack aground to press flesh with me. He smiled at the mention of my name.  It disarms most people. David talked to me like a man who longed for an ear, not a hand-out.  He told me that he was a painter.  I told him I was a poet.  He told me his life story; how he ended-up on a park bench unhoused.  He cried. I was at a loss for words.

     It was over a woman; his ex-wife, he said.  I knew there was more to the story, of course, (...some drug-use was in his younger days and currently unmedicated mental illness...) but I didn't push the conversation.

     I learned where to find David's parents, and they lived just a few miles from me, and that's when I got the fuller story.  David checked-out on life because of his ex-wife; a brutal divorce which stripped him of custody of his boys. He never saw them again, and David pretty much made the streets his home thereafter. Mom and Dad Garancosky brimmed proudly showing me David's potential as an aside from his past, and they led me down to their well-lit basement.  I gasped.

     Stacked like dusty old books no one reads anymore or tucked away like mementos in a shoebox long forgotten, Dad Garancosky plucked up vibrant canvas-after-canvas from the corner of the concrete basement floor.  David's paintings: not on a wall where they ought to be displayed and diagnosed, but on a concrete floor as if disregarded and disappointments.  I asked David and his parents if I could sell his paintings, post them on my website, and I'll never forget what David asked: "Why?" he said, "Why would you want them? They are ugly."

     I answered, "No, David. Like you, your paintings are beautiful."


On Sale Now!!!

David Garancosky's "Unhoused" Collection

Our carefully curated selection of David Garancosky's paintings is designed to cater to your specific needs and preferences in the field of modern art. Each item in David Garancosky's collection represents our commitment to quality, functionality, and style. Browse through our offerings for sale via Stripe and find the canvas that best suits your home, studio or office setting.   If it's undiscovered art or an unsung artist, MetaPoetica will give you the head's-up and showcase their work and vision on this website.

Geometrical design oil painting upon a canvas 45" x 25" without a frame.

Impressionist art whose violent array of brilliant colors are meshed upon a "35 x 40" canvas without a frame.

Impressionistic art whose oil paints a busy clash of muted yellows and lime and pinks, and a faint image of a woman; if you can find her.  This work is set behind glass within an ornate brass frame.

Impressionistic art whose pastels swim in a soup of exultation for a being wearing a crown upturned; if you can find her.

Impressionistic art whose austere modernity has been blended upon a 45" x 25" canvas.

Geometrical design oil painting 45"x 25" without a frame upon a canvas.

Impressionistic art with a focus on the primary colors streaming vertically with a vibrant brooding.